Simin Tander & Jörg Brinkmann
Simin Tander (vocals) and Jörg Brinkmann (cello, electronics) have travelled far and wide for their sound, transgressing the borders of time with their music. Pursuing the art of storytelling often forgotten in jazz, they sing and play music of the sons of the stars, of love and of the salt of the earth. They explore early music and other musical traditions to create their own, distinctive sound, with words in English, Old French, Paschtu (Afghaani) and in Simin´s unique phantasy language.
Foto: Nikolas Müller
„The German Jazz Expo on day three undeniably exemplified the rich diversity of European jazz, notably through the transgression of time and language by vocalist Simin Tander, (…) and cellist Jörg Brinkmann. Having started with medieval French music, this extraordinary duo ended the showcase with a song in her father’s language.““
Jazzjournal (UK)
„This show was absolutely amazing, (…). Tander is a wonderful singer with amazing control and expression and Brinkmann a sensitive companion to her. The mix of repertoire from early music songs to today is eclectic and extremely well done. (…) Touching.“
Wulf Müller
„Als formidable Geschichtenerzähler entpuppte sich auch Cellist Jörg Brinkmann (…), der die Zuhörer mit der deutsch-afghanischen Sängerin Simin Tander in vergangene und auch ferne Welten entführte: (…) ein zauberhafter Brückenschlag mit ganz eigenem Klangkosmos.“
Dorstener Zeitung (GE)
„A magic experience!“
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